
Stewart McCallum

Specialising in Corporate Turnaround and Restructuring, Stewart has extensive experience in Construction and Engineering, Agribusiness, Retail, Hospitality and Financial Services, and he has undertaken engagements in Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe, South America and Asia. Stewart is highly experienced in dealing with boards, management and key financial stakeholders of businesses requiring restructuring and his balanced and collegiate style allows calm-headed decisions to be made in highly stressful situations. 

How to sell a travel business when no one is traveling

Submitted by admin on Fri, 08/20/2021 - 05:18

How do you rescue a grounded airline when everything is up in the air?

EY-Parthenon was appointed to handle Flybe’s administration after a build-up of pressure on the struggling airline.

The past 18 months have certainly been challenging for the travel industry, but it was events prior to the pandemic that led to the EY-Parthenon Turnaround & Restructuring Strategy team working with Flybe for the first time.